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Guest Book



I do not own any of this MUSIC

So I must give credit where credit is do. I have attatched the links to each band's appropriate website.

I would love to here what your thought are; of my website, of my works, of my products. Whatever is on your mind. I am unfortunately only limited to facebook comments as I haven't bought this domain, but if anyone else would like to leave a comment directly to my tumbler, twitter, or facebook account I have my sites linked through those pretty pink buttons at the top of my page. Thank You!

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Icon for Hire - "Up in Flames" [March 2014]

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Why do I have music if I don't own it?


Even though I can't compose music it is a very important part of my person. It can sooth and inspire me. I'm hoping that I can bring you into my world for a short time by sharing with you my favorite songs and bands.

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